Subject: Re: mount_cd9660
To: Neville Duguid <>
From: Markus Illenseer <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/02/1995 19:00:25
Neville Duguid wrote:
> Does anyone know why the command
> # mount_cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0a /cdrom
> always replies:
> mount_cd9660: Invalid argument
> (yes, there is a /cdrom directory in my boot partition)
Try: mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0a /cdrom
> otgsc0 targ1 lun0: <NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:25 1.0a> SCSI readonly
This NEC a 6x drive? If so, you're the second one reporting problems. I
have no idea why though.
> partition a: partition extends past end of unit.
Don't worry about the last.
Markus Illenseer