Subject: Building Aug.12th dist. problems
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Eric K. Miller <>
List: amiga
Date: 08/30/1995 16:15:59
I've been in the process of building the entire Aug. 12th distribution from
scratch, using NetBSD 1.0. Not everything has been superb, but I've past
quite a few problems, right up to the point of building the usr.bin and
usr.sbin directories. I got an error while compiling the usr.sbin
directory, which seemed to rely on something that was in the usr.bin
directory, so I tried compiling the usr.bin directory, but ran into an error
similar to 'Macros or includes too deep'. In the process of editing the
Makefile to skip this to see if I could fix it later, my machine crashed
after being up for 23 hours. I really didn't want to reboot until I had
installed every last thing...but now it's not exactly possible.
My process for building the distribution was to build all utilities with
'make depend' first, and then 'make'. Not until everything was built, or I
ran into problems did I want to perform a 'make install'. So, up to the
point of building usr.bin and usr.sbin, I had run 'make depend', and 'make',
_and_ 'make install' on all directories, so everything _should_ be installed
Now, my problem.
After rebooting, with the current kernal (which I had played with previously
and had only a few problems while running programs, but booting was fine), I
get an error after 'init' is started.
The security level is changed from 0 to 1, and then I get a
'Getty repeating too quickly on /dev/ttye0'. I have only played with
changing the 'ttys' file to turn off /dev/ttye0 and maybe trying /dev/tty00
instead, but get the same error.
I thought maybe the 'getty' program or 'init' program didn't get updated to
the latest current version with 'make install', and sure enough it hadn't,
and since 'make' had gotten far enough in the usr.bin and usr.sbin
directories to compile 'init' and 'getty', and had the new versions of
those. Hoping that would change something, I made backups of the versions I
had live, then copied the new ones in place and rebooted. This was all done
using the NetBSD installation bootup disk, since this is the only one I have
at the moment.
So, any ideas would be appreciated as to why this error has occured. Right
now, I'm left with a machine I can't boot to work on the problem. :(
. . Amiga 2000 50MHz '030 11MB .
. // Eric K. Miller . Amiga 500 7MHz '000 5MB .
. \X/ . AmiTCP 4.2 / PPP .
. . Almost there: NetBSD .
. Yamaha DX7II-FD / Roland R8 / Ensoniq DP/4 / MIDI .
. Coming Someday: 7 Mirage M1si's / 7 Monoblock Krells ;) .