Subject: mount_cd9660
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Neville Duguid <>
List: amiga
Date: 08/29/1995 14:53:25
Does anyone know why the command
# mount_cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0a /cdrom
always replies:
mount_cd9660: Invalid argument
(yes, there is a /cdrom directory in my boot partition)

The CDROM drive light comes on, the CD spins for about
a second, the light goes out. 'mount_cd9660' thinks
about it, but always gives the same message.

I am using NetBSD 1.0 (GENERIC) from the Meeting Pearls II
CDROM.  I have been able to solve all other installation
problems using the supplied binaries and scripts, but this one
is intractable.

The startup console reports:
scsibus6 at otgsc0
otgsc0 targ1 lun0: <NEC      CD-ROM DRIVE:25  1.0a> SCSI readonly removable
cd0 at scsibus6: cd present, 316835 x 2048 byte records

'disklabel cd0' says /dev/rcd0: No such file or directory

/disklabel cd0a' says (among other things):
# disklabel cd0a
# /dev/rcd0a:
type unknown
a: 1267340   0   ISO-9660               # ( Cyl.  0-12673*)
block size 0
super block size 0
partition a: partition extends past end of unit.

Has anyone else struck this problem?  I have an A1200 with
internal IDE for the Hard Drive and 12-Gauge (CSA) SCSI
for the CDROM.