Subject: Re: Problems with NetBSD 1.0 and A2024
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Simons <>
List: amiga
Date: 08/22/1995 09:50:33
Olaf Seibert wrote:
> 1. Did you remove ALL files generated by the original build before
> doing the second one (i.e. in /usr/src/sys/arch/amiga/compile/YOURCONFIG)?
Yes, I compiled the kernel from the scratch two times. And Michael van
Elst compiled it again. Same effect.
> 2. Perhaps you can try to determine differences between the working and
> the non-working version.
I tried that, but cmp has a few hundred hits I think it would be hard
to find out what really happened. :-\