Subject: Re: IVS Trumpcard
From: Donald J. Maddox <root@rhiannon>
List: amiga
Date: 08/11/1995 17:19:14
> Hi !
> I have on my Amiga 2000 an IVS Trumpcard 500 which is not recognized by
> NetBSD. A quick look-up on the 1.0 source reveal that manufacturer number
> for IVS is 2112 (ok) but support is not for my card (number 48).
> Why ? It's a 53c80 based SCSI card like the other Trumpcard.
> Is it a mistake ? Could I add product 48 on the fly to the source ?
> Thanks.

   Yes you can.  I am using a Supra ByteSync controller which is not
"officially" supported, even though the Supra WordSync (WSTSC) controller
drives it just fine;  I just hacked wstsc.c and zbus.c in arch/amiga/devs
to add a check for manu/prod 1056/13...  Works great...