Subject: Re: A2091, A2000, NetBSD 1.0 and speed.
To: Eric K. Miller <>
From: Eduardo E. Horvath <>
List: amiga
Date: 08/10/1995 08:32:59
On Wed, 9 Aug 1995, Eric K. Miller wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm searching once again to find a way to improve disk performance with
> my poor Amiga 2000 running NetBSD.
> I know there's some problems where 1.0 doesn't have access to the 16-bit
> memory or something. Since I'm going to upgrade to the current version
> of NetBSD sometime soon, what I'm wondering, is there a new driver for
> the A2091 under current? Better yet, can I speed it up from the measly
> speeds to real speeds (even as slow as 500KB/sec is, it'd be great from
> what I'm getting now for normal system functions). Or am I just better
> off trying to get a 3000? I'd rather not have to since I know (from the
> AmigaOS side at least) that it's possible to get reasonable rates.
I would hold off for a month or so. The current SCSI driver is the same
as the 1.0 driver. A new one is in the pipeline, but is not yet
complete. One of the aspects that is about to be addressed is the bounce