Subject: A2091, A2000, NetBSD 1.0 and speed.
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Eric K. Miller <>
List: amiga
Date: 08/09/1995 10:15:38
I'm searching once again to find a way to improve disk performance with
my poor Amiga 2000 running NetBSD.
My setup: B2000 Rev 4.4 with 50MHz '030 Derringer
8 Megs of 32-bit RAM (on Derringer)
2 Megs of 16-bit RAM (SupraRAM 2000)
1 Meg of 16-bit CHIP RAM (1MB Agnus and Super Denise)
A2091 Rev 7.0 ROMs and 00-08 SCSI chip.
Seagate Hawk ST31230N
I first had problems while trying to install NetBSD with the 'standard'
kernal. I was given a patched kernal with the synchronous transfers
turned off. I don't know if this is all that was done yet, but I believe
so. This solved all the disk problems I was having. But, I seem to be
having very slow disk access problems, probably due to not having a
decent driver to use a DMA buffer in 16-bit memory, copying the contents
into 32-bit memory. This works pretty decent overall under AmigaOS.
I've achieved _minimum_ speeds of 500KB/sec under AmigaOS (max I've seen
so far is 1.3MB/sec using 'DiskSpeed'). The max throughput of the
A2091 I've gotten in 16-bit ram is about 1.8MB/sec. Since bustest or
whatever it's called gave a rating of about 2.4MB/sec maximum for the
16-bit memory, 1.8MB/sec isn't too bad. :)
I know there's some problems where 1.0 doesn't have access to the 16-bit
memory or something. Since I'm going to upgrade to the current version
of NetBSD sometime soon, what I'm wondering, is there a new driver for
the A2091 under current? Better yet, can I speed it up from the measly
speeds to real speeds (even as slow as 500KB/sec is, it'd be great from
what I'm getting now for normal system functions). Or am I just better
off trying to get a 3000? I'd rather not have to since I know (from the
AmigaOS side at least) that it's possible to get reasonable rates.
I'd appreciate any comments at all.
. . Amiga 2000 50MHz '030 11MB .
. // Eric K. Miller . Amiga 500 7MHz '000 5MB .
. \X/ . AmiTCP 4.2 / PPP / 1 Gig HD .
. . Almost there: NetBSD .
. Yamaha DX7II-FD / Roland R8 / Ensoniq DP/4 / MIDI .
. Coming Someday: 7 Mirage M1si's / 7 Monoblock Krells ;) .