Subject: Install problems (What else ?)
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: James R. Gillespie <>
List: amiga
Date: 07/19/1995 18:20:58
I recently installed Netbsd 1.0 on my A3000 from the Gateway CD. I encountered
problems with the installation at various places depending on which of my three
hard drives that I used. My configuration is as follows.
25Mhz A3000 with 2 megs chip, 8 megs fast
740 megs of hard disk space on the following drives
520 meg Quantum lps525s
120 meg Maxtor 7120scs
105 meg Quantum lp105s
NEC 38D cdrom
Here is a synopsis of the various problems that I encountered. I started the
installation using the Maxtor and the drive prep and software install went
execution of Configure went fine, but when I reboot using the "loadbsd netbsd"
command and then cd to /dev and execute "MAKEDEV all", the trouble begins. I
see a couple of chown command errors which the install text says to ignore.
then I start seeing "no". The script executes till the end, but after
that I can't do anything that needs root access. I can't use vi, I can't su,
I can't adduser, no man pages, etc... all of these generate "no".
I decided to try the Quantum lps525s, and after shuffling some data around I
cleared a 175 meg partition at the end of the drive. I prepped it and then
booted to netbsd. The install script found root and ran newfs, but then when
it asked where I wanted to put /usr it balked with and error about unknown
filesystem type or some such ( since I suspect it might be my scsi controller)
I didn't write this one down.
Finally last night I decided to try the LP105S. This one is still and open
issue, but for some reason the COMP10.xx files keep comming up short on
extracting and fails. Since I was extracting a CDROM, I couldn't figure this
one out, but I decided to continue on. When I tried to reboot with the
"loadbsd netbsd" I get a no init error.
I have seen a reference to the Maxtor needing _inhibit_sync to work properly,
but have yet to find an example of the full binpatch command to do this (An
example would be appreciated). Needless to say this has proven to be
frustrating to me, and I am looking for some input to help solve these
I have seend references to some A3000's needing different SUPER BUSTER or
WD controller chips, so I thought I would ask if the following chips are up to
par in my machine:
00-08 9209F (WD hard drive controller)
CBM 1989,90
4691 51013G
I would greatly appreciate any and all suggestions that someone might have
on how to get this puppy up and running. I keep plugging away and trying
different things, but so far I keep having problems that are different on
every drive, so... I begin to suspect some sort of hardware compatability
problem, but if someone points in another direction I will glady go that way in
hopes of getting this running.
| James R. Gillespie |
| System Administrator |
| B&A Computer Operations | Ford Motor Company |
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