To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: T H Pineapple <>
List: amiga
Date: 07/13/1995 21:33:00
NFS, the story continues. <Now going at a complete new kernel to be
sure ;-> Build time again, after hitting the generic kernel config
with a Unix wizard to get the thing to compile without errors. <The
amount of incompatible networking crap in there is incredible...>
The new kernel boots, but has trouble detecting what filesystem the
drives were set up with under the previous kernel. Startup gives
/dev/rsd1a: CANNOT READ: BLK 16
and waits in single-user, as expected by O'Reilly's "Essential
SysAdmin". <Bought it @ weekend> I'm pretty sure it's *not* a
corrupt filesystem, as booting from the Amiga side with my previous
kernel <almost-generic from MP2, with FFS, ADOSFS and CD9660 amongst
other stuff> doesn't give any errors and recognises and mounts the
disk fine. Strangeomatic.
The filesystem section from the kernel config file (CUSTOM) looks
like this:
# File systems
optionsFFS# Berkeley fast file system
optionsMFS# Memory based filesystem
optionsPROCFS# Process filesystem
optionsKERNFS# Kernel parameter filesystem (Recommended)
optionsFDESC# /dev/fd filesystem
optionsNULLFS# Loopback filesystem
optionsFIFO# FIFO operations on vnodes (Recommended)
optionsADOSFS# AmigaDOS file system
options"CD9660"# ISO 9660 file system, with Rock Ridge
#options PORTAL# Portal filesystem
options MSDOSFS# MS-DOS filesystem
<Tabulation on the above may have got shafted by this off-line reader>
Anyone else have ideas as to incompatibilities/clashes between the
options, or is applying fsck a standard practice when changing
kernels? <A bit like 'Save all changes' in HDToolBox?> <Couldn't see
anything about it in "Essential SysAdmin", at least..> Running fsck
doesn't cure, and just reports all blocks prior to 16 as unreadable.
Something must be clashing in there, but I've not time to try all
4095 possible kernel builds. MSDOSFS would be useful to hang onto
though. Any pointers or answers mucho-appreciated. <It's either
this or port our ISO-building software onto Win'95. "You've been on
the same planet for over 3 years. Would you like to configure it?">
THP. All the fun of the unfair.