Subject: "Hey Beavis, this fsck's..."
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: T H Pineapple <>
List: amiga
Date: 07/10/1995 21:58:00
NFS, the story continues.  <Now going at a complete new kernel to be
sure ;-> Build time again, after hitting the generic kernel config
with a Unix wizard to get the thing to compile without errors.  <The
amount of incompatible networking crap in there is incredible...>

The new kernel boots, but has trouble detecting what filesystem the
drives were set up with under the previous kernel.  Startup gives

                   /dev/rsd1a: CANNOT READ: BLK 16

and waits in single-user, as expected by O'Reilly's "Essential
SysAdmin".  <Bought it @ weekend> I'm pretty sure it's *not* a
corrupt filesystem, as booting from the Amiga side with my previous
kernel <almost-generic from MP2, with FFS, ADOSFS and CD9660 amongst
other stuff> doesn't give any errors and recognises and mounts the
disk fine.

The filesystem section from the kernel config file (CUSTOM) looks
like this:

# File systems
optionsFFS# Berkeley fast file system
optionsMFS# Memory based filesystem
optionsPROCFS# Process filesystem
optionsKERNFS# Kernel parameter filesystem (Recommended)
optionsFDESC# /dev/fd filesystem
optionsNULLFS# Loopback filesystem
optionsFIFO# FIFO operations on vnodes (Recommended)
optionsADOSFS# AmigaDOS file system
options"CD9660"# ISO 9660 file system, with Rock Ridge
#optionsPORTAL# Portal filesystem
optionsMSDOSFS# MS-DOS filesystem

Anyone have ideas as to incompatibilities/clashes between the
options, or is applying fsck a standard practice when changing
kernels?  <A bit like 'Save all changes' in HDToolBox?> <Couldn't see
anything about it in "Essential SysAdmin", at least..>

The only thing I can think of offhand is MSDOSFS, but that'll be very
useful to have in our work, so I'd like to hang onto it if possible ;->

THP.  All the fun of the unfair.