Subject: NetBSD-current...
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rafael Munoz <>
List: amiga
Date: 07/09/1995 17:09:32
Hi all!
Well, I just updated my v1.0 to the latest snapshot 07/02/95 snapshot. All
"went well", but ofcourse, I have some questions!
1) I have an A3000 w/Picasso 2 Megs, and when I boot with the
netbsd.GENERIC that came with the snapshot, I see that I get a Picasso
console (or is it a Cirrus console :-) ), and it recognizes my Picasso, so
that is good, however, when starts checking my devices sd0, etc, it hangs
(and yes, it works with v1.0). This is what I get on the screen:
ahsc0: target 3 now synchronous, period = 208ns , offset = 12.
ahsc0: abort icmd: csr = 0x4b, asr = 0x00
sbicwait TIMEO @417 with asr=x0 csr=x4b
I have a Quatum Lightning 730 Meg which is partitioned to hold the NetBSD
root, usr and local partitions. I also have a Maxtor 345 Meg (at SCSI
address 3, which I guess is the target 3 above), which is my
ShapeShifter/EMPLANT drive for Mac (and NOT used by NetBSD, at least not
with NetBSD-Amiga v1.0). I also have an Apple Cd300e Plus CDROM drive
(last one in the SCSI chain), and my A3070 tape drive right before the
cdrom drive (again, all working and seen by NetBSD-Amiga v1.0). Anyway, is
there anyhting I have to do so that it does not look at the driveat target
3? I have reverted back to using the Oct '94 picasso kernel and almost all
works. The reason is almost work is my next question....
2) With the NetBSD-current when I run ps, I get an error about proc table
size being incorrect (or something along those lines). Any suggestions?
3) Lastly, for now, mgandalf, while on IRC asked me to ask (since Iwas
about to send email to the list), that on his Spectrum/A3000 system and the
latest NetBSD-current snapshot, he gets the login: on the Spectrum, and was
wondering if there was a key combination to swap? I may not have explained
his issue very well, but if you have a Spectrum you may know what he
Thanks all, and I hope tp hear some info from one of you ! Again, thanks
in advanced!