Subject: Serial driver problems
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Blaz Zupan <>
List: amiga
Date: 07/08/1995 23:22:22
I already posted about my problem with the serial driver in NetBSD/amiga
but got no useful replies so now I'm retrying.
Could all you NetBSD amigans out there try out the following:
Make sure there are no options on the tty00 entry in your /etc/ttys.
Turn off your modem. Reboot NetBSD. After you get the login prompt
turn on the modem. Login and start your favourite comm program (I use
kermit but also verified this with Seyon under X). When I start the
comm program this way just after a reboot I get a couple of garbage
characters (different each time, but all the same, f.e. 10 p's or
5 X's) but I can type normally and the modem responds just fine.
Ok, now a second try. Leave the modem ON and reboot NetBSD and after
the reboot start your comm program. If I do this I don't see anything
I type, but the modem DOES get the command (f.e. if I type "AT" I don't
see the characters "AT" while I type, but after I press return I
see the "OK" response from the modem). If I leave kermit and rerun it
everything is ok. Also if I persistently type some commands
after some time I start getting to see what I typed earlier (like
there was some delay in the output of the text). I'm 99% sure the
modem cable is OK and also that the modem is OK as I don't have
any such problems under AmigaDOS.
Please - if you try out the above, report what you get. The only
answer that I got so far was that it works just fine for other people
so I'd like to find someone that has the same problem so I can
prove it is not my mistake and that I can get some help from
NetBSD developers to fix this :-) Also if you have any ideas what
could be causing this or how to fix it then please mail me!
Thank you in advance.
Blaz Zupan, Ljubljanska 19/b, 62000 Maribor, Slovenia, 2:380/104.40, GMIZO::BLAZ