Subject: problem solved
To: Reinhard Schu <>
From: Reinhard Schu <>
List: amiga
Date: 06/06/1995 19:26:38
>sorry, if I am annoying anyone, but I have problems compiling the -cuurent

Sorry for annoying anyone. I did not know that the 28-04-95 distribution 
is screwed up.

Beste Gruesse,
Best Regards,
Reinhard Schu

-----------------------------------------------------  UNIVERSITAS  -
-  UNIVERSITAET DES SAARLANDES  ---       -----------     |\ /|     -
-------------------------------------       ---------   |||* *|||   -
-  Reinhard Schu                    ---       -------   ||| V |||   -
-  Lehrstuhl Prof. Ruessmann          ---       -----   |||   |||   -
-   Tel.: +49-(0)681-302-3101           ---       ---   |/|___|\|   -
-  Fachschaft Jura                        ---       -     +   +     -
-   Tel.: +49-(0)681-302-4121               ---        SARAVIENSIS  -
