Subject: sigsetjmp, and siglongjmp where are they?
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arthur Hoffmann <>
List: amiga
Date: 05/10/1995 22:51:14
I seem to have a bad day today.
I wanted to compile elm, and everyting compiled fine, but it didn't
link, the errors are as follows:
editmsg.o: Undefined symbol `_siglongjmp' referenced from text segment
editmsg.o: Undefined symbol `_sigsetjmp' referenced from text segment
in_utils.o: Undefined symbol `_sigsetjmp' referenced from text segment
signals.o: Undefined symbol `_siglongjmp' referenced from text segment
signals.o: Undefined symbol `_siglongjmp' referenced from text segment
signals.o: Undefined symbol `_siglongjmp' referenced from text segment
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1
The other package was postgres95, that came up with :
gcc -g -o obj/postgres obj/ACCESS.o obj/BOOTSTRAP.o obj/COMMANDS.o
obj/EXECUTOR.o obj/MAIN.o obj/MISC.o obj/NODES.o obj/PARSER.o
obj/OPTIMIZER.o obj/REWRITE.o obj/STORAGE.o obj/TCOP.o obj/UTILS.o
-ll -lm
/build/postgres95/src/backend/bootstrap/bootstrap.c:323: Undefined
symbol `_sigsetjmp' referenced from text segment
/build/postgres95/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c:654: Undefined symbol
`_siglongjmp' referenced from text segment
/build/postgres95/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c:1134: Undefined symbol
`_sigsetjmp' referenced from text segment
gmake[1]: *** [postgres] Error 1
Seems as if this is needed again.
I did find this in the includes:
root@atze(55)$ grep sigsetjmp /usr/include/*
/usr/include/setjmp.h:int sigsetjmp __P((sigjmp_buf, int));
I included this file in the source and recompiled the appropriate .o
files, but the errors remained.
What am I doing wrong here?
Arthur Hoffmann