Subject: Strange X Problems.. !? :(
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andreas Faerber <>
List: amiga
Date: 05/04/1995 12:03:58
After i wanted to upgrade to 950417 Snapshot, the kernel couldn't figure out
my tty. ;(. [I wasn't able to login as root on the console]. I also got a
proc size mismatch.. Don;t know, why.. ;(
So i downgraded to March Release.. All is fine now, except one thing :
When i start up X, i can't use my mouse.. ;((.. I did a MAKEDEV all again,
but it stays the same.. Xamigamono and Xdaniver..
Yes, they're both suid root, and/or the /dev/ Files are chmod'ed to 666..
Doesn't seem to help.. You know a solution ?