Subject: AGA displays in kernel
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bartholomew Niswonger <>
List: amiga
Date: 04/27/1995 04:22:00
Hello, due to the immentent death of my old 1084, I am beginning to
look for a new monitor. I was wondering if someone could tell me the
highest resolution for AGA chip sets supported by the kernel, and the
associated frequencies, vertical and horizontal. If someone had a
complete list of all AGA modes and there frequencies I would be very
thankful, as I would like to know, and have never been able to get
better than what is listed in various selection boxes on the amigaDOS
side, and those I have forgotten, and lost due to hard drive problems.
The monitor specs are the most important part though, since I really
need a new one, the wiggling is getting bad.
Bart Niswonger