Subject: Re: fd0 not configured?
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: amiga
Date: 04/05/1995 06:05:46
In article <>,
Stephen Champion <> wrote:
> > Because fdc0 and fd0 are standard in the Amiga, it's defined in
> >std.amiga. To add other floppies, you need to add config entries for
> >them:
> > fd1 at fdc0 unit 1
> > fd2 at fdc0 unit 2
> > fd3 at fdc0 unit 3
IMHO, this should be included in std.amiga (or at least GENERIC). It
costs almost nothing, and having two floppies is so common that it seems
like it should always be included. (You need at least fd1 AND fd2 to
support two floppies, because if the second floppy is an external on a
Ax0000 model it will be fd2, and if you're going to add three you might
as well go the fourth.)