Subject: building netbsd-1.0 world
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bartholomew Niswonger <>
List: amiga
Date: 04/02/1995 20:33:00
Hello, I realize that this is a more general question than just
amigas, but it is the only list I am subscribed to.
My question is in building netbsd-1.0 from sources, I
have come across a few (3 so far) places where the make fails due to
missing files. These files are all found in other parts of the
distribution, but they are inaccurately referenced. An example is in
sbin/mount_null/mount_null.c it asks to include <miscfs/nullfs/null.h>
which does not exist on my machine, except in
/usr/src/sys/miscfs/nullfs/null.h. I m curious if I have forgotten
some step, like make depend or something. This is wht I have done so
make kernel; cp to / and /dev/reload
make gcc; make install
make gas; make install
make include (installs)
make ld; make install
make lib; make install
make in /usr/src--> it keeps breaking (on #4 now)
I have gotten around all the breaks so far by inserting links in the
source tree. but it seems it should compile out of the box. Is this
normal, is there something I am not doing right?
Thanks for any information,
Bart Niswonger