Subject: Problems with 68040 and loadbsd 2.1
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Scott Stephenson <>
List: amiga
Date: 04/02/1995 10:27:17
A friend of mine is trying to do a new install of NetBSD v1.0 on his A2000
and has run into some problems. He has the PP&S 68040 acelerator on his
system which appears to be source of the problems.
The following two paragraphs are excerpts of his problem as he has sent
them to me. I haven't a clue at this point, but if anyone else can help
it sure would be appreciated.
I have ixemul.libary V39.45, generic kernel V1.0, and LoadBsd V2.10. I did use
RAWWRITE to write the inst-10.fs image onto a floppy.
When in the installation process it asks for root device and I enter fd0, the
process halts with a "panic - can't boot root" message, or something akin to
that, and leaves me with a "DB>" prompt.
end Quote*
Anyone know what's up here? If so, please e-mail Jim Dutton at
Thanks in advance.