Subject: Re: NetBSD nicht stabil
To: Boris Glass <>
From: Markus Illenseer <markus@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: amiga
Date: 03/30/1995 13:05:14
On Mar 29,  5:23pm, Boris Glass wrote:
> Subject: NetBSD nicht stabil
> Hallo Leute!

 First of all this mailling-list is international and the language we
agreed to use is english, maybe we should switch over to Esperanto though.

> Probleme zwischen NetBSD und meinem Rechner? Hat jemand NetBSD auf einem
> A3000T040 laufen?
> Wer hat Ahnung, wo das Problem liegt???

 You dont state which kernel you are using. I believe your 040 is causing heavy
problems as though I am not sure about of course. Please also make sure you
dont boot with the Toccata initialzed by any software from AmigaDOS.

Markus Illenseer