Subject: Re: What's up with Uni-R?
To: Stephen Champion <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: amiga
Date: 03/16/1995 17:53:26
> I can usually get 1K/s when ftp-ing. Over the last 2 weeks, I've
> had alot of trouble - I've had horrible delays, often causing a lost
> connection. Has anyone had similar trouble? Is there a particular
> reason ftp.uni-regensburg has been so slow?
> Have users in Europe (especially Germany) had similar problems? Is
> there any particular reason (Hubert)?
I don't know of any network-problems, but that doesn't mean there are none.
> This morning, I was finally able to update my mirror - but had
> transfers between 50 and 250 bytes/second. Part of my updating was done
> from, where I was able to have the normal 1K/s. This
> indicates that the problem is local to Uni-regensburg.
Interresting, what mirror are we talking about? Is it in the MIRRORS-file? If
not, please send me details!
> I would much rather update from Uni-regensburg, as it is a better
> maintained site.'s NetBSD-Amiga archives don't seem to get
> much maintenance, having leftovers from pre-1.0 still hanging around :^(
Yeah, I use it to get old things I accidentally removed. ;-)
=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg, Tel. 0941/943-2455
Weekends: Bachstr. 40, D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
Internet:, IRC: hubertf