Subject: Re: Questions about the future
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: amiga
Date: 02/14/1995 06:50:07
> > Just a couple of questions, a couple of patches, one for 3 button mouse
> > support and one for the hardware clock, have been floating around, as
> > well as an audio device driver, but these have never seemed to make it
> > into -current. Will this ever happen?
> I have sent in the hardware clock patch and the a IVS Vector driver patch
> to Chris twice, but have not heard from him since ever. I wonder if I
> should maybe use send-pr to do it? Or were the patches bad or what?
>From all the positive messages I saw, I'd say it works pretty well,
not much to go wrong with it.
> The audio driver was (last I heard) in beta state, so I'm not sure
> if its ready to be built into -current.
This is true, but how about the clock patches? That also seemed to work
pretty well.
Mike B