Subject: Re: description of the retina driver?
To: Heiko Nardmann <>
From: Stephen Champion <>
List: amiga
Date: 02/10/1995 09:24:04
> I'm posting for a friend. He has some problems with his Retina Z2.
> He has installed the X11R6.XamigaRetina-beta on his system. When
> he starts X, the X server tries to read some files in
> /usr/local/X11R6/lib/xinit/Retinamondef or so. These seem to be some
> kind of monitor description files. It is a Smile 15'' monitor with
> horizontally 30-60kHz and vertically 50-90Hz. Since there is no
> documentation at all, the question is how to build a config file
> for this monitor and the screenmodes.
The Retina Monitor defs come from the Retina define monitor
tool that comes on the Retina disk.
All you need to do is make some definitions that suit you, and
put them on the NetBSD side. Then make /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/Retinamondef
a soft link to the monitor definition that you want to use.
Oh, they need to be 8 bit. I don't think the server can deal
with more.
// Stephen Champion Amiga 3000/25 NetBSD 1.0
// Binary Arithmetic Student
// Only the ignorant know everything.
#include "/usr/local/doc/disclaimer"