Subject: newbie help
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Niles <>
List: amiga
Date: 02/10/1995 08:37:07
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Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 08:34:56 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Niles <rniles@Wolfe.NET>
Subject: newbie help
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First off, I'm sorry if all this is redundant, but I need to ask a few
1. Could someone point me to how/where I could set the system up for PPP
or SLIP? ...with dynamic adressing if possible.
2. Where is 'X' for NetBSD/amiga? Can it be used on ECS Amigas? (A3000,
no extra video cards).
3. Where are files commone to the Amiga for NetBSD found? I know the main
sites for NetBSd but they don't have extra utils like 'X', etc.
4. Where can I find FAQs relating to NetBSD/amiga? I don't have to
ask a bunch of stupid questions that most liely have been asked a million
times before.
Thanks in advance, I sincerely appreciate it.
Robert Niles, ITM Distribution; Selah, Wa.