Subject: Re: FWD: Majordomo results
To: None <, amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Illenseer <markus@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: amiga
Date: 02/03/1995 12:57:11
On Feb 2, 4:03pm, "Charles L. Streible" wrote:
> Subject: FWD: Majordomo results
> This is just a test message to try and figure out what link in our route to
> your site is creating problems. Hubert Feyrer at reports
> that he is getting a bogus message everytime I post to the list. If anyone
> else is seeing this behavior, please forward a copy of the message back to
> me and I will pass it on to some network maintainers in our area to try and
> diagnose the problem. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Several
> people are working on the problem as time permits in our environment.
I get that, too. Your system is not correctly set up, see this content
of the header:
In-Reply-To: "Charles L. Streible" <streible@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
And you are not at my University .... Lets see if the reply works,
last time it didntt. For that casue i mailed it to the list,
Markus Illenseer