Subject: New NetBSD-Amiga FAQ Release
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tim Walls <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/27/1995 15:47:27
Hi folks...
At long long last (after much delay <grin>) I have a
new release of the NetBSD Amiga FAQ for your perusal.
You may notice a few changes since the last
release (I hope so anyway) - please let me know if they
are in general good or bad, or if you have any
suggestions - mail me at A summary
of the changes follows...
o texinfo node names have been restructured into
a more logical form every page has a six
letter mnemonic, and the structure is arranged
hierarchically. For example, the binpatch
answer in the hardware section of the FAQ is
named FAQ&AS.HARDWR.BINPAT; this should be
more or less transparent to the reader, but it
makes the whole issue much easier to maintain.
o The Frequently Asked Questions have now been
split into four subsections - Installation,
Teething problems, Hardware and Miscellaneous.
o There is a new chapter on building your own
kernel - I haven't finished writing this yet,
and any contributions or suggestions would
be appreciated.
o In the "More Information" section, I have
included a subsection on relevant books/texts;
if anyone would like to submit a short summary
of a book (good or bad) with publisher info.
etc. along the lines of the one I have included,
I would again be grateful.
So, there you go, hope the changes are appreciated.
I have produced the document in .dvi,.ps,HTML and
Info form. They are only in A4 form, I couldn't be
bothered to produce anything else - if you are
desperate for an alternative size and can't compile
the TeXinfo sources (also included), mail me.
A note about the HTML version: I noticed a bug about
30 seconds ago which means most of the text in the
"Information" chapter comes out italicised; rather
than not bother at all, I've left it in anyway. This
is due to the braindead texinfo to HTML script I'm
using - if anyone knows of a decent alternative, let
me know.
The files should be on as soon
as it will let me log in, I am also going to look at
uploading the FAQ onto Aminet (Thanks Hubert ;-).
__ //||/ Tim Walls/TJay EMail
/_//=|/ Skating away... PGP2.3 Key, finger
`And with the last line almost drawn, wish you goodbye 'till further on'