Subject: Re: NetBSD on Aminet?
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: James Miller <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/23/1995 18:06:51
Someone wrote that there will be a NetBSD/networking-CD. Good. Even better
than aminet. But when? If Urban wants to put it on his CDs _now_, then let
I believe that it is a credit to the amiga community (I suppose Stallman
is pleased too) that there is a keen interest in avoiding the big
business'ization of our software market, but I must remark that I
purchased a drive... purchased memory... and then had to wait and
wait for ever to find a cdrom with the distribution on it.
I can understand the thinking that there was still alot of changes
in the kernel and all but I ended up with the October distribtution
in Mid-January anyway and with nothing but the base distribution.
I had posted several times over the last year asking if someone with
a distribtion would help me get a cd setup but unfortunately there
were no replies.
There are several places that will take a tape or harddrive and
dump it to cd usually costing $50 for the first and $30 for all
subsequent copies. Not so bad I had thought but...
James Miller
Coordinator for International Relations
Ishikawa International Culture Exchange Center