Subject: Users stay logged in with screen?
To: NetBSD list <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/18/1995 23:55:20
I'm running NetBSD 1.0 and screen.
Sometimes, when a user logs off, the system still things he/she is logged
in. last and w commands still list the user as logged in. However, ps
doesn't show any processes for the user. Nor is there a screen process
running for that user.
It seems that the system notices the user is gone only when someone logs
on via the same terminal line.
I don't know if the users do a clean log-out or not - but the system
should notice the log-out in any case.
What's wrong?
Jukka Marin
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