Subject: ados filesystem freezes
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Manfred Bathelt (CIP 92) <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/10/1995 17:23:11
Hi !
Today I tried to read from a not validated ados partition via NetBSD1.0 release
and had to notice, that its not possible.
Last Thursday my system crashed while it was reorganizing my Work: partition,
and with DiskSalv I was able to get most data back, but some errors are still
there, and work: is not validated yet.
As I wanted to copy some data to my BSD HD, I did a mount_ados, but as soon as
I used file completion in tcsh or accessing any file/dir that had a error,
BSD freezed. How about some error-checking in the ados filesystem?
Had anybody else such problems or is there a solution?
My system is a A4000/40 with Quantum 540 IDE and Seagate 420 IDE
* Manfred Bathelt, Computer Science Student at FAU Erlangen *
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