Subject: netbsd_x24, please read !
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG, amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Hartmut Kuehn <>
List: amiga
Date: 01/07/1995 22:07:49
Hi all !
Markus told me, that without the correct changes to grf.c
the netbsd_x24 I did, is totally unsecure.
So PLEASE folks, don't use it before I myself or someone else
has done the changes to grf.c !!!!!
I wrote to Hubert, that he should immediately delete my archive
on, if I find some time I do the rest
and post a new archive.
If someone else can spend some time and now already has my
version of grf_rh.c, feel free to continue on grf.c :-))
But please don't use the provided kernel netbsd_x24.
I don't know, which consequences it has for any other machine,
I used the kernel for three or for days and hadn't any problems,
but this DOESN'T mean that someone else won't have problems !
Hartmut Kuehn | E-Mail:
Phone: +49 (0)30 814 13 78 |
Berlin, Germany |