Subject: Re: Amiga OS <-> NetBSD transfers?
To: None <>
From: Richard H. Wood <rhw@woodstk>
List: amiga
Date: 12/23/1994 10:49:34
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According to
> This works fine for reading NetBSD drives under AmiDos, but consistently
> does strange things whilst writing. I have downloaded v1.4 but not tried
> it yet.
> James
Check the docs carefully before trying to use v1.4 beta for writing. I'm
almost positive the announcement said it had been changed back to a read
*only* filesystem - to protect the innocent, I suppose.
_____________________________________ __//________________________________ - R. H. \X/ood -
246 Bancroft Drive, Garland, TX 75040 USA +1 214 530 2595