Subject: Re: multiple fdclose's in kernel.
To: Johanan L. Codona <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: amiga
Date: 12/15/1994 14:26:15
On Dec 15, 3:45pm, "Johanan L. Codona" wrote:
> I tried to compile a new kernel based on the recent -current
> sources. I tried both my old "release" config file as well as
> the A3000 file that was in the source tree. Both failed the
> final link due to multiple fdclose definitions.
> Sure enough, both amiga/dev/fd.c and kern/kern_descrip.c have
> fdclose functions defined.
> What am I doing wrong.
Compiling with out-of-sync sources - one of the hazards of using the
-current tree. I think it was fixed today, but I haven't been able to
get a current SUP yet.
You need to change the fdclose in fd.c to Fdclose, and you have to
change conf.c appropriately:
diff -cr /mnt/src/sys/arch/amiga/amiga/conf.c sys/arch/amiga/amiga/conf.c
*** /mnt/src/sys/arch/amiga/amiga/conf.c Fri Dec 2 04:19:17 1994
--- sys/arch/amiga/amiga/conf.c Sat Dec 10 10:23:04 1994
*** 119,127 ****
#include "fd.h"
#define bdev_floppy_init(c) { \
dev_init(c,Fd,open), \
! dev_init(c,fd,close), \
dev_init(c,fd,strategy), \
dev_init(c,fd,ioctl), \
(dev_type_dump((*))) enxio, \
--- 119,128 ----
#include "fd.h"
+ dev_decl(Fd,close);
#define bdev_floppy_init(c) { \
dev_init(c,Fd,open), \
! dev_init(c,Fd,close), \
dev_init(c,fd,strategy), \
dev_init(c,fd,ioctl), \
(dev_type_dump((*))) enxio, \
*** 258,266 ****
/* floppy disk */
#define cdev_floppy_init(c) { \
dev_init(c,Fd,open), \
! dev_init(c,fd,close), \
dev_init(c,fd,read), \
dev_init(c,fd,write), \
dev_init(c,fd,ioctl), \
--- 259,268 ----
/* floppy disk */
+ dev_type_close(Fdclose);
#define cdev_floppy_init(c) { \
dev_init(c,Fd,open), \
! dev_init(c,Fd,close), \
dev_init(c,fd,read), \
dev_init(c,fd,write), \
dev_init(c,fd,ioctl), \
Michael L. Hitch INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Office of Systems and Computing Services
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA