Subject: multiple fdclose's in kernel.
To: None <>
From: Johanan L. Codona <>
List: amiga
Date: 12/15/1994 15:45:46
I tried to compile a new kernel based on the recent -current
sources. I tried both my old "release" config file as well as
the A3000 file that was in the source tree. Both failed the
final link due to multiple fdclose definitions.
> ld -x -n -T 0 -o netbsd -e start ${SYSTEM_OBJ} vers.o
> ld: Unexpected multiple definitions of symbol `_fdclose', type 0x1
> kern_descrip.o: Definition of symbol `_fdclose' (multiply defined)
> ld: Unexpected multiple definitions of symbol `_fdclose', type 0x1
> fd.o: Definition of symbol `_fdclose' (multiply defined)
> ld: Unexpected multiple definitions of symbol `_fdclose', type 0x1
Sure enough, both amiga/dev/fd.c and kern/kern_descrip.c have
fdclose functions defined.
What am I doing wrong.
John Codona