Subject: XView completeness
To: None <>
From: Stephen Anspach <>
List: amiga
Date: 12/13/1994 04:20:15
> friend got Linux working on the PC and I looked at his version
> of XView. I think it is 3.0 where as we have 3.2. However, his seems so much
> more complete.
> How come our version of Xview doesn't allow you to do that.
"His"? "We"? I don't understand what you're getting at here. If he
wants a newer version, get it and compile it. I personally brought 3.01
down and it suits my needs quite well. If I remember correctly, I needed to
do few, if any, modifications for it to build...
> Finally, does anybody know of a good term program for NetBSD?
If you use X a lot get seyon.
> I want to use
> my Unix for mail and downloads and i want others to be able to call up and
> send files to my computer directly but i don't know how. I gues I have to
> read the Networking docs.
RTFM. ;)
- Steve -
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