Subject: Re: A3000 & NetBSD.
To: None <>
From: Andreas Heitmann <>
List: amiga
Date: 12/08/1994 17:31:02
>>>>> "le-cun" == le-cun bertrand jean-marie <> writes:
le-cun> Hello Guys,
le-cun> I have two problem with my A3000 running NetBSD-1.0.
le-cun> 1- When i try to boot in multiuser mode, the boot process
le-cun> fails. There is a VM_Fault, MMU Panic, etc... But, the
le-cun> single user mode Boot+ "exec /etc/rc" works fine. Any
le-cun> idea ?
The same for me, this seems to be a common problem. I'm booting in
single-user mode and type exit at the prompt. When booting in
multiuser mode the system crashes always. My configuration is A3000,
NetBSD-1.0 (even though a bit outdated), Retina board, 4 HDs and a
floptical drive.
Andreas Heitmann (
"Don't give me any of that intelligent life stuff.
Find me something I can blow up."
Lt. Doolittle, _Dark Star_