Subject: Re: rawwrite
To: None <>
From: Ralf Hautkappe ( Prof. Dr. Pumpluen ) <>
List: amiga
Date: 11/23/1994 11:34:39
Hi, you wrote
> Is this the NetBSD-Amiga mailing list? This is my first post to it,
> and I am
> just guessing at what the address is...
Yes it is.
> Here's my question, though, and it's gonna be an easy one:
> What's up with rawwrite? I cannot find any version that is
> executable! I
> type 'rawwrite' and it tells me it is not executable. I un-gzip
> rawwrite.gz,
> and the rawwrite in there tells me the same thing...
I had the same problem and I typed execute rawwrite ... rawwrite
executed, but breaks with the error CD: can't open redirection file (or
So I've got the same problem, I can't write inst-10.fs to disk...
Maybe one solution is to use a software that writes images to disk... if
I find something on aminet I mail it to this list...