Subject: 1.0 kernels uploaded to
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Stephen J. Roznowski <>
List: amiga
Date: 11/19/1994 21:25:50
I've just finished loading the different kernels based upon
the 1.0 release. They are:
netbsd.a3000-1.0.gz 291711 bytes
netbsd.generic-1.0.gz 541421 bytes
netbsd.ide-1.0.gz 381584 bytes
netbsd.lite-1.0.gz 423892 bytes
Remember, to run this GENERIC kernel requires over 1M of chip
RAM due to the size of this kernel. The LITE kernel is equivalent
to the (partial) GENERIC kernel that is in the distribution.
I'd be interested in hearing if people are able to successfully
run this GENERIC kernel.
Stephen Roznowski (