Subject: Re: HD DMA, Non contig mem
To: None <lilly!NetBSD.ORG!owner-amiga>
From: Berndt Wulf <>
List: amiga
Date: 11/15/1994 22:16:40
:>On Nov 12, 9:09pm, Tim Walls wrote:
:> I'm not certain if the A2091 can be used in an A4000 though. I was
:I'm using a 2000 anyway, I am working on getting the new ROMs. But I figured
:since a software patch is enough to get the Amiga side working, the same could
:be said of the NetBSD side.
I am using the A2091 with an A4000 and experienced the same problems at the
beginning. My A2091 has the P-DMA-07 ROM installed, which I suppose is the
latest version. After I have disabled the scsi-dma in the kernel everthing
runs smoothly since then.
BTW: On the ADOS side there is a patch programme called P-DMA4000 which
gives the system a better performance.
--cheerio Berndt