Subject: netbsd1.0 kernel
To: None <>
From: Tim Newsham <>
List: amiga
Date: 11/09/1994 12:32:00
I upgraded my system to NetBSD1.0 last night. Almost everything
went fine. I installed all the binaries but was unable to use the
new kernel itself. When the kernel starts up it starts printing out
the normal. Right after it identifies my GVP SeriesII and the partitions
on it, it just stops dead. It never reaches the part where it prompts
for root partition (when using -b) and never reaches the next lines
which would be:
gvpbus at ztwobus0: rom 0xe90000 man/pro 2017/1 1 not configured
root device>
2 mice configured
10 views configured
WARNING: no swap space found
(actually I'm not sure if it printed the "gvpbus" line or not).
My old kernel seems to work fine with all of the binaries I installed
but of course I'd like to be up to 1.0.
I didnt get the new loadbsd. I run a custom loadbsd so I didnt
grab the new loadbsd. Has anything critical changed in loadbsd?
During startup it reports my machine as an a1200. I have an old
GVP 030/23mhz accelerator in my A2000 machine which, of course, isnt
an a2000. My old kernel also reports it as an a1200 though. One
interesting thing is that it thinks there is an ide controller
on the bus.. I figured this is because it thinks I have an a1200.
I have one meg of chip ram. I remember hearing problems about
new kernels being too big for this. The kernel image is only
800k+ though.
If you would like to see all the messages printed while booting
let me know.
Tim N.