Subject: Re: / trashed..
To: None <, amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alan Bair <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/13/1994 20:05:20
If I remember correctly, you should only use the BFFS (mount BSD filesys under
AmigaDOS) and adosfs (mount AmigaDOS filesys under BSD) for read only purposes.
I am sure BFFS can trash your filesys on writes as you have run into and I
don't it would be wise to trust adosfs at this time. Some one else can clarify
this if I am wrong.
On Oct 14, 1:27am, wrote:
> Subject: / trashed..
> Yesterday, I tried the BFFS filesystem to access my / and /usr partitions
> AmigaDOS. I mounted it, and everything looked great. I could dir and cd and
> everything. Anyway, I wrote 'copy bf0:' to copy a nice icon
> to my root partition (actulallt, I didn't use the device name bf0: but the
> volume name). A requster poped up, saying <name> is full. I canceled and when
> i dir:ed, there were no files!
> I booted NetBSD, which paniced:
> / : bad dir ino 2 at offset 0 : mangled entry
> panic: bad dir
> stoped at...
> I found a program called fsck on my install disk and ran it on /dev/sd1a.
> And after mounting sd1a, i could read it. I renamed all (the one I knew, I
> still have 2-3 files called #0010 or something like that) files in / to their
> original name and rebooted. During the boot, I was told to run fsck manually,
> and so I did. Reboot, and a errormessage says that '..' can't be found.
> One problem.. Now I can'r writre to my / anymore!
> Well.. what now?
> /Martin
>-- End of excerpt from
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