Subject: who has got tftpboot to work ...
To: None <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marc Duponcheel <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/13/1994 23:23:41
Hello NetBSD Amiga ...
As suggested by you people I used gcc 2.4.5 to compile the kernel ...
As suggested by you people I added bpfilter support to compile the
kernel ...
And ... this gave me a working netbsd with a working rarpd
!!!! THANK YOU !!!!
But now I am not (yet) able to get the thing to work (i.e. an NCD must
boot from the Amiga)
There seems to be no communication between them :-(
Only one (probably not related) error appears in syslog when I manually
run bootpd (I just tried so many things ...)
This complained about binding to something already in use
Question: Has anybody successfully used a NetBSD for booting other machines over tftp
I have booted the same NCD from a Sun so I 'know' how to setup the NCD
I have browsed many NetBSD manuals and 'configured' things like
(o o)
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| Marc Duponcheel | tel: +32 2 778 42 40 |
| MIS analyst | e-mail: |