Subject: Problems with LoadBSD
To: None <>
From: Tim Walls <>
List: amiga
Date: 10/05/1994 09:28:01
Hi there...
I have been attempting to install NetBSD, but can't seem to get past the first
hurdle (loading the kernel!).
The system I am using is as follows....
Amiga 2000
A2091 HD controller, with two devices - Quantum P40S (42MB) at SCSI ID 6
Maxtor 270MB at SCSI ID 2
+.5MB on the card
CSA-Derringer 030 @ 33MHz, with 4MB SIMM
2MB 16bit RAM card (Supra Something ;-)
I have 1.3 on ROM, but 2.00 zkicked into RAM (it is legal, I was a reg. developer!).
I do not yet have a maths coprocessor installed on the Derringer, but the FAQ indicated
that the kernel would boot without it.
I am assuming that the problem (which I'll detail below ;-) lies either with the
lack of copro, or some stress over the softloaded ROM; I intend to upgrade both
problems, but I really would like to know what I should replace first in order to be
able to actually boot! (It may be something else entirely, of course).
The problem: When I type "LoadBSD -b kernelname", the program whizzes and
churns for a bit, informs me which memory segment it is using (the 4MB 32bit RAM on
the Derringer card), and then almost immediately hangs with a blank screen.
I will post a dump with the -v flag, if it would seem to help (I'd do it now anyway,
but I'm nowhere near my miggy at the moment).
Cheers for any help...
__ //||/ Tim Walls/TJay EMail
/_//=|/ My opinions are my own PGP2.3 Key, finger
`And with the last line almost drawn, wish you goodbye 'till further on'