Subject: Re: pre1.0 #2 installation probelms
To: Michael L. Hitch <>
From: Reinhard Schu <>
List: amiga
Date: 09/26/1994 14:33:01
> The release kernel does not support non-contiguous memory, although
>there are at least three of us that have built kernels that support
>non-contiguous memory.
are you one of those? I am highly interested in knowing how to build a kernel
that supports non-contigous memory.
My configuration is:
A2000+A2630 with 4MB + Acess32 (Memory expander for A2630) with 4MB 32bit RAM.
Beste Gruesse,
Best Regards,
Reinhard Schu
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- UNIVERSITAET DES SAARLANDES --- ----------- |\ /| -
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- Reinhard Schu --- ------- ||| V ||| -
- Lehrstuhl Prof. Ruessmann --- ----- ||| ||| -
- Tel.: +49-(0)681-302-3101 --- --- |/|___|\| -
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