Subject: Re: PicassoII vs. RetinaZ2
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ralph Seichter <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 12/13/1995 23:36:21
On 12.12.95, (Steve Paul) wrote
> Well, John- they are both good quality boards. Since you specified
> NetBSD X, I would have to cast my vote on the Retina. This
> is mainly for compatibility reasons since my PicassoII will *NOT* work
> under any circumstances with A2000 '040 accelerators and NetBSD X.
A Picasso II works like charm in my A3000 under NetBSD 1.1. But as you
said, this whole gfx card stuff tends to end up as a matter of taste.
MfG, Ralph
"The great Nerd drive of '76..." (GL)