Subject: Re: Cannot get Xcl to work.
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ralph Seichter <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 12/08/1995 17:35:38
On 05.12.95, wrote
> I wanted to use X on the Piccolo. So I used Xcl, but all I get is:
> Mondef not ok (or something like that).
In each line of the 'grfmodes' file are a couple of values for horizontal
and vertical magic. Try to multiply each of the h-values with 8.
MfG, Ralph
"Laesst Ralph die armen Seelen von in Ungnade gefallener User immer noch
des Nachts um seinen Burgfried heulen?" (Ueli Kaufmann)