Subject: Xdaniver on AGA
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John D. Parsons <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 12/06/1995 09:41:27
Good morning from Texas, USA.
I recently installed NetBSD 1.0 from the MPII cdrom; decided to
install locally first instead of FTPing 1.1 binaries up front. I am
obviously missing something in my reading of Xdaniver's docs -- how
exactly do I get it/startx to set a depth of 8 bitplanes (or anything
>4, for that matter)? Everything I've tried up to this point has
changed nothing, although one time after a "restart Xdaniver" the
screen colors were _totally_ scrambled...
John D. Parsons
Senior Engineer
E-Systems, a Raytheon Company Greenville, TX, USA