Subject: Re: No mouse no keyboard
To: Bernd Ernesti <>
From: None <chammer@HRZ.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: amiga-x
Date: 10/29/1995 22:43:50
> > > /dev/mouse and that is okay.
> > > 
> > 	Xdaniver is broken, it's keyboard/mouse code doesn't work right
> > 	when it's started from xinit. You can write a script to
> > 	manually start the X server and some clients.
> The Xdaniver works on my system.
> Someone wrote my the same problem some weeks before, but I had no time to
> look at this problem (the CyberVision driver was at a much higher priority).
> Maybe I can spend next month some time for it to fix the problem.

maybe it is of some help to know that i experienced to cure the problem
when killing and restarting the window manager( if luckily have the mousepointer
on a xterm where you can do this).
I experienced to immeadiatly have a working mousepointer again then.
> Bernd

Carsten Hammer  Schwindstr. 7 33615 Bielefeld
Fakultaet fuer Physik          D4-139