Subject: Re: Xamiga24 Q-setting screenmode
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adam Silverstein <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 10/23/1995 10:05:19
>In <v02130500acaf20882b00@[]> Adam Silverstein did say:
>>I can't seem to get Xamiga24 to properly open a 1280x1024 screen for fvwm.
>>I've tried all sorts of variables for -mode in my .xserverrc file, but to
>>no avail. Whats the trick?
>Just as a matter of interest, which kernel are you using? Using the Picasso,
>Spectrum (1.0, I think it is) off ftp.regensburg I have similar problems. I
>got told to use grfconfig, etc to set the modes, but all I get is ioctrl
>errors (I think that's what it was off the top of my head).
I'm using the 1.0 kernal, but I have a few others I can try. whats grfconfig?
> Jody Fanning | Excerpts from the notebooks of Lazarus Long
> Dunedin, New Zealand | - "Always store beer in a dark place"
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