Subject: More info re:Xamiga24 Q-setting screenmode
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adam Silverstein <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 10/22/1995 11:25:06
I can't seem to get Xamiga24 to properly open a 1280x1024 screen for fvwm.
I've tried all sorts of variables for -mode in my .xserverrc file, but to
no avail.  Whats the trick?

My configuration is:

NetBSD 1.0, Amiga 4000/040, Retina ZIII, generic kernal.

I was under the impression that all I needed to do was pass Xamiga24 the
proper -mode option (say 12 for a 12801024 screen) through my ~/.xserverrc
configuration (i'm using startx to launch X).   BTW, X and fvwm boot fine,
I just get stuck with a 640x480 (or so) screen displaying a small part of
the entire 1280x1024 sceren fvwm is using.  Maybe I need to look at my
Amiga-Side settings, or bring a screenmode file (from RetinaScreenMode)
over to the BSD side?
Thanks for any help

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