Subject: New X11R6 still loses mouse and keyboard
To: None <amiga-x@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rob Healey <>
List: amiga-x
Date: 09/10/1995 23:16:03
	The newly posted X11R6 still loses mouse and keyboard under -current.


	X11R6 recently put on uni-regensburg
	A3000, 16M FAST, 2M CHIP
	NetBSD-current August 26 sup.
	Xdaniver server. ECS modes.

	The solution, as with the old 1.0 code, is to NOT use xinit
	to start things up. If I manually start X and the clients from
	a script they all work fine.

	Any thoughts on what I might try next? And yes, I completely
	erased the old X11R6 tree before installing the new tree from

